The Partnership for Indigenous Climate Change Adaptation (PICCA) is a collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups with the common goal of addressing climate change challenges faced by Indigenous communities. Current partners include Grand Council Treaty #3, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Matawa First Nations Management, Muskegowuk Council, Nokiiwin Tribal Council, and Shibogama First Nations Council (which, together, serve 59 First Nation communities), as well as The Resilience Institute, and Up North on Climate.


PICCA partners strive to weave together Indigenous and western knowledge to support the development of climate resilient Indigenous communities in their Traditional Territories. Many of the resources offered from Up North on Climate, including our Word Guide, Adaptation Planning Framework, and Climate Change and Adaptation Quick Guides, have been co-developed with our PICCA partners.

The PICCA vision is to develop a sustainable network of knowledgeable climate change adaptation leaders in Indigenous organizations and communities that will support community-led climate change adaptation.

The PICCA Climate Action GeoHub

PICCA partners are currently working on an ArcGIS online hub that will serve as a one stop site for climate change adaptation information relevant to Indigenous groups. The PICCA Climate Action GeoHub will include co-developed resources and Indigenous climate stories along with publicly available open data.


Users of the GeoHub will be guided through the available resources by a series of interactive StoryMaps featuring photos, videos, interactive dashboards, Maptours, and interactive graphic Quick Guides.

The PICCA Climate Action GeoHub also includes a Contribute page for users to share their Climate Stories, and will house a Do-It-Yourself tab for users to create a webmap for their community, as well as a Kids Corner with resources for elementary teachers interested in discussing climate change and adaptation in their classroom.


The PICCA Climate Action GeoHub is currently under development. Find the completed pages and track our progress at the link below!