Community Climate Adaptation Reports assist in preparing for the growing impacts of climate change
About the Community Reports
The purpose of the Community Climate Adaptation Report is and will always be to assist community leaders and members in preparing for the growing impacts of a changing climate. The observations of Elders and those with memories that go back more than 40 years have been the foundation for the story of the climate in the past. Science, integrated with that knowledge, enables projections of the climate and its impacts into the future, during the lifetimes of our children and grandchildren. Describing the range of ways to adapt and reduce the risks from those impacts, is the main goal of this report.
Over 40 Community Climate Adpatation Reports have been published to date. Each report was produced by and for the community and in many cases is the exclusive property of the community. If you would like to find out if your community has a report, reach out to your community leadership or contact us. To allow everyone to see what a community report includes, a Fictional Community Report is available for viewing below.
Download the fictional report:
The Fictional Community Climate Adaptation Report is a way to illustrate the type of information communities have gathered about climate change on their lands and in their communities without sharing any confidential material. The "Science", "Projection", and "Adaptation" sections are exactly as would be found in a community report but the "Community Climate Story" and "Traditional Knowledge" sections, though based on observations from the north, are fictionalized examples.